Skin microbiota: a “data-driven” approach for its study

Time: 15:30 - 16:00

Date: 23 Novembre 2022

Theatre: Coral 5

Skin microbiota and interaction with products applied on the skin represent today one of the most promising fields of research, encompassing the cosmetic applications toward an all-around well-being of the widest organ of the human body.

A challenge to be addressed in these studies – and in their application for the development of a new era of cosmetic products – is the lack of harmonization of the large amounts of data from the skin microbiome-related studies and the retrieval of datasets and metadata from this huge mine. Also, a basic systematic analysis on how commonly used cosmetic ingredients may influence microbiota, host skin cells and the host immune system is necessary to better exploit this vastly unexplored new prairie. Introducing these two crucial steps in the development and optimization of cosmetics means a new approach resulting in safe and biome friendly products.



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